
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Clear 3 minutes from your calendar on Oct 1st...

3 Minutes!  
Thats all it takes to vote three ways for 1p36 DSA!  
We know!  We timed it!

Of course we want you to vote all three ways every day but you have a very special mission assigned for Friday October 1st!  We are asking that you vote first thing on Friday morning.  Voting begins for October at 6am Eastern time on October 1st.  The amount of votes we get those first two days will determine where we place on the leader board for the rest of the month.  Wouldn't it be great to start out our final month in the top ten?!  Word on the street is that some 1p36 voters on the west coast are going to set their alarms for 3am PST just to get their votes in first thing!

If you were paying attention, you might have noticed that we said "final month".  Its true.  1p36 DSA wants to win in October.  If we don't, we will sadly admit defeat.  But we'd rather be celebrating a great victory for all children and families affected by 1p36 Deletion Syndrome!  You can help us do it!  Time to put the pedal to the metal, get the lead out, take it to the streets, shout it from the roof tops,!